My Adventures With Moo And Noodle

My Adventures With Moo And Noodle
Raising two boys, baking fabulous cupcakes, creating amazing meals for my family and making memories every day! Welcome to my crazy life!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello! Let Me Introduce Myself!

My life is exactly what it says ... MooNoodled! My world is centered around my two crazy, lovable, amazing little boys, Moo and Noodle.
I am a Stay At Home Mom in Southern California and I LOVE IT! Since leaving the working world behind me to spend more time with my growing family, I have truly discovered my passion in life. Nothing makes me happier than waking up to a kiss from my 2 year old, a smile from my 6 month old and a cuddle from my husband every day. Well, there is a close second. CUPCAKES!!!
While becoming a domestic goddess was never my reason for staying home with my family, instead of enduring the endless grind of the 9-5 world, it has become something that I treasure and have taken pride in cultivating.
I have always loved cooking and baking, but never really had the time. Juggling a full-time job and starting a family never really left me time to enjoy the finer culinary experiences that one can create in their own kitchen. I never was a bad cook and I could follow a recipe pretty well, but I rarely was brave enough to make up my own recipes. Especially when it came to baking.  Baking is a science, or so I was always told, so I had always been too intimidated to stray from the best laid paths of other amazing chefs who had kindly shared their creations with the rest of the world. That was until my world started to change and my family added one more member.
Already having one child, I found myself pregnant again in March of 2011. Yay!! I was beyond thrilled. About half way through my pregnancy, I had to go out on disability. I was finally going to get a taste of what being a Stay At Home Mom would be like. I went back to work when my first son was born, so I never got to enjoy that freedom of being able to play all day with him and care for my house and family like I had always wanted to. Now was my chance.
We went to the park all the time, occasionally traveled to nearby attractions (Disneyland is our FAVORITE place), cuddled and played at home and did more arts and crafts than I had room on my walls to display. I loved spending more time with my little man before our new little guy was going to be here. It was what I had always dreamed of. I did the majority of the cooking now and my hubby was getting spoiled. I would find something online and I was making it the next night. It was like a Food Network show in our kitchen every night. And then I started BAKING and it was down hill from there.
In December, 2011 I had my second little boy. What a blessing. Now my life was just a tiny bit crazier, but it was even more wonderful. I knew it was time to begin a new career. My dream job was now in my reach. I could finally be the mom and wife I had always wanted to be. My adventures were now with two awesome little men in tow and my baking time had become my ME time. I just couldn't get enough of my new hobby and it was becoming a way of life. Baking is like breathing to me. I just can't live with out it.
I started experimenting with recipes from some of my favorite sites and blogs (I will be sharing all of those, they are all my inspiration for starting to share my journey and my stories as well).  Anything that sounded good I made. My guilty pleasure was, and will always be cupcakes! Soon, I was buying cupcake decorating kits, fancy wrappers and even the cutest apron I had ever seen and I was taking on the world of sweet yumminess one baked good at a time. After lots of positive feedback and a few cupcake catered events under my apron strings, I was ready to try my own recipes. I started making them up as I got a craving for one ingredient or another and here we are today.
So, welcome to my moonoodled life! Here's a peek into my adventures in motherhood, cooking and BAKING! xoxox

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